How to select the right material for your plastic parts?

The automotive industry is one of the leading areas which drives the rapid technology development. Automotive part suppliers are very often directly involved in the design and development of new products. In this stage is an option to select the right material that provides the best performance and the highest quality. How? Plastics such as […]

Jeden deň v koži inžiniera kvality

Ten pocit, keď prídeš ráno do práce Ako sa cítiš, keď príde za tebou nadriadený A ako to s tebou vyzerá, keď nadriadený odchádza Takto nejak to vyzerá, keď odpisuješ na emaily, ktoré si si našiel ráno v schránke Čo si myslia nadriadení, keď im povieš, že si dnes toho stihol až až Ten pocit, […]

Document control system and its benefits

It centralizes your organizational data and information, as well as a reliable method for documenting procedures. What are the benefits? Better control of processes Having your data in one centralized system offers you greater control over all of your processes, no matter in which area of operations are they included. Sometimes you can have different […]

Reduce defects with control plan and PFMEA

A control plan is a living document that helps you to set the plan to control the products you make and the processes used during the manufacturing of those products. Control plan involves the product and process description and characteristics which are important to ensure the quality of the final product. All these characteristics are […]

How to define realistic pass/fail tolerances?

We work in different industries and as each industry has its own demands, the color measurement is not an exception. A pass/fail tolerance is understood as the amount of color variation that is taken as acceptable. For the parts are tolerances specified by customer expectations. In automotive, plastics, paint and coating industry are the color […]

Prečo by si tento text mali prečítať inžinieri kvality

O tom, ako by sme sa mali správať na pohovore bolo napísaných nespočetne veľa článkov. Vždy sa to začína vetou: 10 rád ako uspieť, alebo: 5 chýb, ktorých by ste sa mali vyvarovať, bla bla bla. Tieto články majú malú výpovednú hodnotu a poväčšinou sú prinajmenšom trápne.Ak chceme hovoriť o pohovoroch, musíme ísť viac do […]